sábado, 29 de junho de 2024

Nice recommendation!

"If you want to capture the colours of Brazil, the richness of its traditions and 21st-century passions and, above all, its sense of fun, there is no better place to look than the work of Fábio Sombra, painter, writer and musician. Let him and his images guide you!"

Ben Box, editor of the South American Handbook (Footprint editions, UK)

A lovely reccommendation of my work coming from one of the most qualified experts in travelling in South America: Ben Box, the editor of the legendary South American Handbook.

Ben Box was born in Bristol, England. He attended university in Southampton (BA in Spanish) and London (PhD in the Arthurian Legends in Spain and Portugal). His first job was in Grant and Cutler, a modern languages bookshop in London, after which he worked as a publisher's representative in Southern England. In 1980 he started to work as a freelance writer, specializing in all things Iberian and Latin American. Among his first assignments was sub-editing work on Footprints' legendary South American Handbook -- and this book soon dominated all other projects. He has contributed to newspapers, journals and learned tomes -- usually on the subject of travel, but also on South American literature. Since 1989 he has been involved with many Footprint's projects, all to do with Latin America and the Caribbean. His outside interests and activities include village cricket and gardening.